Iris pallida Variegata, also known as Variegated Sweet Iris, is a very valuable addition to the perennial garden for several reasons.

Iris pallida Variegata, also known as Variegated Sweet Iris, is a very valuable addition to the perennial garden for several reasons. It will bloom for several weeks in early June with lavender-blue flowers that attain a height of about 30”. The flowers will emit a pleasant grape-like fragrance while in bloom. Although the flowers are attractive, it is the outstanding foliage that makes this plant so valuable.
The leaves are green and yellow with vertical striping. This colorful pattern remains the entire growing season. The foliage reaches a height of no more than 24” This is somewhat shorter than other tall bearded irises. The plant is also deer and rabbit resistant. These irises are also more disease and pest resistant than most other irises.
The clumps will expand each year but should be divided every third year in the later part of summer. Discard the older rhizomes in the center and re-plant the newer ones from the outer edges of the clumps. Most soils are acceptable but a loose well drained soil is best for optimum growth. Although full sun conditions are preferred, this particular iris is more tolerant of part shade than most other iris.
We also offer the white striped form of this iris. Flowers and growing conditions are identical to the yellow striped cultivar but have less vigor and tend to be a couple inches shorter. Both of these iris varieties are available in pots at this time and are about a week away from bloom. They retail for $9.95 per pot.