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Rose-Hill Gardens has an extensive line of lilies available for sale. Our 24 cultivars offer choices in several of the different lily classes ranging from the hard to find, shade loving, Martagon lilies to the spectacular Orienpets. Lilies are easy to grow, take up little room and add massive color to the summer garden.


We currently have 24 unique cultivars of heuchera for sale. These are great plants for adding color to partially shaded areas of the garden. Their colorful leaves are showy during the entire growing season. Several cultivars of heuchera also provide a great floral display in mid-summer.


116 different cultivars of hostas are available for 2020 at Rose-Hill Gardens. We offer an extensive line of the very popular miniature hostas. This season we have added 16 new cultivars to our listing. They can be found on our catalog in bold print. Hostas are our number one selling perennial and the backbone of the shade garden.


All our hypertufa pots and planters are handcrafted here at Rose-Hill Gardens. We have the largest selection of hypertufa products in Northeast Wisconsin. Occasionally we offer classes on how to make these very unique containers. Our current inventory exceeds 200 pots for you to choose from. Click here for our videos showing how to make and how to plant hypertufa pots.


Succulents have increased in popularity over these past couple of years. We have a nice variety of plants to choose from. Most succulents require very little care and are easy to grow. They can be used in the outdoor landscape during the frost free months and then brought inside the rest of the year and enjoyed as house plants.


20 cultivars of coneflowers (echinacea) are available for retail sales this year here at the gardens. This includes 4 new cultivars for 2020. Coneflowers are becoming more popular each year with many new colors now available. They add valuable color to the late summer garden when color is at a premium. Coneflowers over-winter best when established in the garden during the spring.


This is the perennial that put Rose-Hill Gardens on the map back in 1998. Although we have reduced the number of cultivars since then, we still have some of the most unique and beautiful cultivars on the market today. Our selections include some of our very own Rose-Hill Garden’s hybrids selected from hundreds of seedlings in our trial gardens.

Miniature Conifers

Miniature and dwarf conifers can be difficult to find at retail garden centers. We do carry a nice selection of both here at Rose-Hill Gardens. We have several display gardens dedicated to showcasing these unique plants. They are excellent candidates for planting in hypertufa troughs and rock gardens. They also add great interest to the normally mundane winter garden landscape.

Rock Garden Plants

Rock garden  plants are a little more challenging to grow in the open garden but their uniqueness makes the effort worthwhile. We have several display gardens that feature these interesting plants. They also are great candidates for hypertufa pots where the environment is easier to modify. We offer a number of plants that even a new gardener can have success with.

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472 Rose-Hill Drive, Hobart, WI 54155


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